Unidentified image of officials ordering pouring of illegal alcohol down a city drain (probably NYC).
When the Madison Square Garden barkers in New York City shouted, “Going to Easton,” in the 1920s and 30s, customers knew what to anticipate: “a night of illegal booze, gambling, and professional female company.” People piled into buses eager to enjoy the enticements of “The Little Apple.”
This opening of Richard Hope’s essay, “Sin City: Easton, PA during Prohibition,” will prepare attendees for an insight into Easton during a raucous time in US history.
Hope, familiar Easton historian, will give an overview of Easton life during Prohibition in his talk to the Williams Township Historical Society on Sunday, March 12, 3 pm, in the social room of St. John’s Church of Morgan Hill, 2720 Morgan Hill Rd
The talk is free, and the public is welcome. Contributions to the goody table are welcome
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