Series Hosted by Billy Bauer will Put the Spotlight on Local Artists

Billy BauerCome show the audience what you’ve got and sing your heart out. This weekly open mic features acoustic performances only, feel free to bring a djembe or box drum, but no full bands please. Every Thursday, Signups begin at 6:30pm.

Think you have star-quality vocals or just love to perform? ArtsQuest is hosting local singer/songwriters, musicians and artists to perform at its new Open Mic Night series at SteelStacks. Hosted by Billy Bauer of the Billy Bauer Band, the open mics will take place every Thursday (except Thanksgiving), 7-9 p.m., in the Creativity Commons of the ArtsQuest Center at SteelStacks, 101 Founders Way, Bethlehem.

Each open mic will include a performance by Bauer or an occasional guest host, as well as a special featured artist.

Following the featured artist performance, the microphone will be turned over to the public for the final segment of the show. Artists interested in performing at the open mics can register at Performers can also sign up at the ArtsQuest Center starting at 6:30 p.m. on the night of the show.

“This is a great opportunity for local musicians to showcase their talents, and perhaps it will open doors for them at future Arts Quest events such as Musikfest.” Bauer says.”

The November & December Open Mic Night schedule is: