The Allentown Central West End Summer Enrichment Program, a collaboration between McKinley Elementary School and Christ Lutheran Church, will host a luncheon event on Thursday, August 1, 2013 to celebrate the conclusion of a seven-week summer school program.
The luncheon event for students, parents, staff, and volunteers will be followed by a program featuring student talent and program highlights.
The enrichment program consistently served 98 students who are entering kindergarten thru eighth grade. At Christ Church the students received reading, language arts, and math instruction along with guidance lessons focused on communication skills and social/emotional learning. Breakfast and lunch were provided by the Allentown School District.
After lunch the students walked the five blocks to St. Stephen Outreach Center, a ministry of Christ Lutheran Church, for science, dance, art, crafts, and indoor and outdoor sports and recreation.
The program itself represented a collaboration of many neighbors. Christ Church, hosted a similar effort last summer, provided space and additional financial support for staffing, food, and supplies. Significant support for the program came from memorial gifts to the church in memory of John R. Ritter, a former school teacher from the Parkland School District. Neighborhood partners provided highlights to learning; Muhlenberg College hosted the children at a production of Suessical the Musical, Michael Krentz, Minister of Music at Christ Church, gave the students a behind the scenes tour of the church organ. Rev. Harold Rust, Elder Ministries at Christ Church, played the accordion for the students each week. Amy Jahn de Torres taught afternoon cooking classes which provided snacks for the children. Nicolas Perez , Director of Communications and Student Services for the Allentown School District, presided over a discussion with parents and students on school uniforms. Nicos Elias presented a career talk for the older students followed by a tour of his funeral home and an antique hearse and automobile collection.
All of the children participated in the Summer Reading Program at the Allentown Public Library.
Eight high school and college students participated as teacher aides in the classroom and in small group instruction acting as role models and peer tutors. Numerous volunteers including parents, members of Christ Church, and other interested persons read to the children, played board games, shared interests, and walked children between Christ Church at 13th and Hamilton Streets and the St. Stephen Outreach Center at Franklin and Turner Streets.
The Allentown Central West End Summer Enrichment Program allows community partners to be engaged in student learning. It is designed to help students retain literacy and numeracy skills so that they will spend less time reviewing these concepts in September. According to Kelly Stoops, director of the program, the goal for all students is to increase their literacy and numeracy skills by at least 15% as demonstrated by pre/post –tests. The program is the result of a long-standing relationship between Christ Lutheran Church and McKinley Elementary, a community school and cooperative talks between Rev. Maxon and Principal, Richard Kern.
The concluding luncheon celebration will be held Thursday, August 1, 2013 between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. in the gymnasium at Christ Lutheran Church.
Contacts for more information:
Kelly Stoops, Program Director
McKinley Elementary School
1124 W. Turner Street
Allentown, PA 18102
The Rev. William Maxon, Senior Pastor
Christ Lutheran Church
1245 W. Hamilton Street
Allentown, PA 18102
ALLENTOWN CENTRAL WEST END SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM helps increase literacy and numeracy skills by at least 15%.