The Eleventh Annual Spirit of Volunteerism Awards will be held Thursday, November 14th at the Event Center at Blue Grillhouse, 4431 Easton Ave,  Bethlehem, PA ‎from 5:30 to 8pm. This event, coordinated by the Volunteer Center of the Lehigh Valley, honors local businesses and employee volunteers who have demonstrated excellence in community service by giving [...]

Guide to Summer 2012, What’s Happening Lehigh!

Well there certianly is no Shortage of Great Fun to be had here in the Lehigh Valley this Summer!  Music, Art, Food, Networking, Charity Events, Look over our Guide so you are in the know and Click on the highlit links to get complete information! Check back again as we’ll update the guide as the [...]

Local Attorney Gladys Wiles Shares Important Information for Motorcycle Riders

Handling the After-Effects of a Motorcycle Accident by Attorney Gladys Wiles [box] For years, attorneys Gladys Wiles and Jerry Snyder have been helping their clients understand their legal rights in civil matters. But they knew there were people out there they weren’t reaching. “One of the challenges we were seeing was that a lot of [...]

Latino Leadership Alliance of the Lehigh Valley Open General Board Meeting

General Board Meeting, we will have Regional Director of the Department of Human and Health Services Region III, Joanne Corte Grossi for a Roundtable Discussion about the Affordable Care Act. This might be an interesting topic for many individuals working in the Healthcare field. Anyone is welcome to come. […]

Wanting More? Increase your abundance

  Want More? by Kimberly Manning of Integrative Living Design   Many clients desire more abundance. That’s often the primary goal of our work together. Here’s one of the most important caveats: the outer is a representation of the inner. Want something to manifest in the physical world? You’ve got to change your [...]